
Asset Management or Preventive Maintenance (PM), directly affect equipment reliability. IDCON’s PM training supports the implementation of an Asset Management program that enables plants to both identify and prevent equipment failures.

IDCON’s PM training involves properly selecting and setting up a cost-effective Asset Management process, teaching practical documentation methods and field execution exercises.

An integral part of an effective PM program is the condition monitoring and basic care of equipment. IDCON’s Preventive Maintenance training highlights essential care through thorough cleaning, alignment, and lubrication. You will also learn basic inspection techniques for craftspeople and operators.

IDCON offers several approaches for Asset Management training and provides essential care and condition monitoring that can be delivered on-site or at IDCON’s public training courses. Using customized training and assessment, we will find the gaps in your current Asset Management program. Then, staff will be trained specifically on those gaps. On-the-job training could include how to inspect and log equipment and even how to build PM routes. IDCON uses its years of experience to provide training that brings awareness and understanding of the PM/ECCM concepts.

Need help implementing your Preventive Maintenance or condition monitoring program? IDCON has been working with plants since 1972 to implement Preventive Maintenance and essential care and conditioning processes that improve reliable production.