
TMR™ N₂ Moisture Removal System provides an unlimited capacity to remove water and eliminate atmospheric water ingression.

TMR™ N₂ manages factors that accelerate oxidation, lowering the rate of lubricant
breakdown, reducing maintenance requirements, and extending fluid life.

TMR™ N₂ features and benefits

  • High-purity nitrogen (≥97%) is generated at the source, providing unlimited capacity to reduce existing moisture
  • Free-flowing nitrogen is exhausted out the breather element or facility exhaust, reversing the typical flow configuration and eliminating one of the key ingression
    points for water and particulate contamination
  • Eliminates the ingression of atmospheric water, particulate and metal ions through a free-flowing nitrogen blanket that eliminates fluid contact with oxygen
  • Maintains water at very low levels (<50 ppm total or
    <350 ppm for EHC fluids), reducing the rate of lubricant breakdown
  • Eliminates lubricant contact with oxygen, reducing oxidation and promoting the removal of H₂, CO and C₂H₄ and other harmful breakdown gases
  • Very low maintenance requirements
  • Immediate payback, high ROI