Wärtsilä multi-fuel power plants provide reliable power generation by being able to adapt to any fuel availability or affordability situation.
They can even switch fuels while running, for example changing to liquid fuel mode if the gas supply is suddenly interrupted. This capability provides 24/7 security of supply, hedge against fuel price increases and preparation for future fuel infrastructure development.
Wärtsilä’s multi-fuel power plants can run in the following operation modes, and switch between them seamlessly without interrupting the power supply:
- Gas only (with liquid pilot fuel): Natural gas, LNG, biogas, associated gas (GD only). Insensitive to gas quality
- Liquid fuel only: Crude oil, diesel, residual oil, fuel-water emulsions, liquid biofuel
- Fuel sharing mode (in GD plants): Gas and liquid fuel simultaneously. Fuel switch without power decrease, automatic and instant trip to liquid fuel mode in alarm situations