Wärtsilä combined heat and power (CHP) plants are specifically designed to meet the customer’s specific needs, whether it’s steam generation, hot or chilled water, district heating or a combination of all. Total plant efficiencies as high as 90% are possible. Wärtsilä CHP plants can run on a wide range of gaseous and liquid fuels, all the while securing low emissions and high efficiency.
The heat recovery systems used in our CHP plants are of the post engine ‘hang-on’ type, and thus don’t directly influence engine performance or operation. The engine will yield the same high-electrical efficiency and output, regardless of the rate of heat production.
Depending on the installation specific heating and / or cooling requirements, plant location and the seasonal variations in ambient conditions, the plant can be equipped with standardised heat recovery and chiller solutions, with absorption chillers for heat recovery and electrically driven chillers for covering the peak demands.