Swedish state-owned utility Vattenfall has secured consent from Scottish ministers for its 77MW onshore wind farm, Clashindarroch II.

To be located next to Vattenfall’s Clashindarroch wind farm in northeast Scotland, the new project will comprise 14 turbines, each with a 6MW capacity.

Clashindarroch has been generating fossil fuel-free electricity for more than seven years.

Clashindarroch II will meet the electricity demands of 82,000 UK households and is expected to offset 116,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

The wind farm is also expected to bring in £835,000 every year for the community in the surrounding area, as its developer engages with the region’s supply chain to maximise business opportunities for locals.

Vattenfall UK onshore wind development head Frank Elsworth stated: “I am delighted that Clashindarroch II wind farm has been granted consent. This isn’t just good news for helping Scotland to achieve its net zero goals, but also for the local economy, which will benefit significantly.

“We have a strong track record of working with Scottish suppliers to maximise local value. We want to build on our approach at South Kyle wind farm, where independent analysis has found that the wind farm’s development and construction spend within Scotland amounts to £93.4 million.

“Clashindarroch II will provide further investment for local community projects, whilst also supporting skills development, jobs and local supply chains.”

Clashindarroch wind farm has a capacity of 36.9MW, generated from 18 turbines, each with 2.05MW capacity.

The electricity it generates is equivalent to the power needs of 27,000 UK households annually.

In June 2023, the company also inaugurated the 240MW South Kyle wind farm, which produces enough clean electricity to supply 187,000 homes.