Actis, a global investor in sustainable infrastructure, has launched Orygen, a new independent power producer in Peru.

The move follows Actis’ recent acquisition of significant stakes in Enel Generacion Peru and Compania Energetica Veracruz.

Orygen will begin operations with a diversified energy generation capacity of 2.2GW, making it one of Peru’s largest.

The company intends to enhance its renewable energy offerings through backing a 12GW development portfolio.

Energy assets under Orygen will include a mix of solar, wind, hydroelectric and thermal gas sources.

Marco Fragale, an industry veteran with extensive experience in the Latin American energy sector, has been appointed as the CEO of Orygen.

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Fragale stated: “Energy is the source of everything. It creates new business, growth and prosperity. Orygen was created with the purpose of bringing sustainable, reliable and competitive energy to the industries that drive the Peruvian economy.

“We have a broad energy portfolio, operate the largest set of solar and wind assets in Peru, and manage a robust pipeline of renewable projects of more than 12GW.

“We are committed to developing an ecosystem that protects the planet, improves quality of life and offers competitive prices for all.”

The establishment of Orygen marks a significant expansion of Actis’ energy portfolio in Latin America. Orygen joins other Actis Energy 5-generation platforms in the region, such as Serena Energy and Valia Energia.

Actis Energy Infrastructure partner Alberto Estefan said: “It’s an exciting time and with the launch of Orygen, a new story begins for the Peruvian energy market. Actis has great plans for this platform and an appetite to mobilise capital behind the business plan.

“Under the skilled leadership of Marco, we’re confident that Orygen will play a critical role in Peru’s energy transition. I look forward to continuing the work to create a successful and valuable platform.”