No Glow – Just Wash and Dry
By MuntersWhen it comes to ensuring that their lorry fleet was free of radiation contamination, British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL), turned to worldwide moisture control specialists Munters to help maintain safety levels. Through its desiccant dehumidification technology, Munters were able to play a key role in maintaining the integrity of vehicles that transport nuclear fuel around the country.
Vehicles from BNFL's Springfield division make over 50 journeys a week, transporting nuclear fuel to reactor power stations around the UK and Europe. Because they travel on public highways their safety standards have to be second-to-none, often involving fire and drop tests on the giant flasks that contain the material while it is in transit.
When these articulated lorries return from a trip they are washed down to remove any residual radiation, and before they can be used again they must be checked by a Geiger counter. To ensure that readings from the Geiger counter are 100% correct, it is imperative that the vehicles are completely dry. To organise this, BNFL called in Munters to advise on the most secure way to achieve exact results, and they recommended dehumidifying the air in the garage where the vehicles are kept overnight.