Wolsung Nuclear Power Plant in South Korea Uses Liqui-Cel® Membrane Contactors for Dissolved Oxygen Removal to Prevent Corrosion
By Liqui-Cel® Membrane ContactorsDissolved oxygen is a leading source of corrosion in water systems. The Korean Electric Power Institute (KEPRI) has installed Liqui-Cel Membrane Contactors in the Wolsung nuclear power plant in South Korea.
The membranes have been in operation since 2000 and have successfully met the rigorous demands of the nuclear power industry.
The Wolsung unit 1 plant is a pressurized heavy water type reactor (PHWR). In this plant the membranes are used to remove dissolved oxygen from the end shield cooling system.
This system re-circulates water that is used to cool the reactor wall. The cooling system is filled with carbon steel balls that are used to prevent radiation exposure to the workers during a refueling period.
Dissolved oxygen is controlled in order to prevent corrosion of the piping and carbon steel balls in the system.
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