
L-3 MAPPS announced today that it has earned follow-on orders from Ameren Missouri to upgrade the full scope simulator for the Callaway Energy Center in Callaway County, Missouri, US. One order will provide for the addition of an alternate emergency power system (AEPS) model and in the other order L-3 MAPPS will modify the interface between its Orchid® Core Builder and the fuel analysis code used to perform the actual nuclear power plant fuel cycle updates. The AEPS model upgrade is scheduled to be completed in four months and the fuel data input model will be updated in the fourth quarter of 2011.

The AEPS added to the station includes four 2MW diesel generators located 1.5 miles off-site to improve Callaway’s ability to mitigate a station blackout. The AEPS generators provide an alternate source of power during a station blackout that is different from the emergency diesel generators and off-site resources. The off-site diesel back-up systems start up when there is a loss of both safety-related emergency diesel generators and a loss of off-site power. As an enhancement to the simulator, L-3 MAPPS will model the AEPS generators’ associated switchgear, transformers and connection to the Central Electric Power Cooperative, all with L-3 MAPPS’ Orchid Modeling Environment. Invensys’ Wonderware InTouch human-system interface for the AEPS will be emulated with L-3 MAPPS’ Orchid Control System.

The interface between Orchid Core Builder and the data generated by the fuel analysis code will also be updated as the Callaway Energy Center transitions from CASMO4/SIMULATE3 to Westinghouse’s PHOENIX-P/ANC.

“Since our first order for upgrading the Callaway simulator in 1997, the simulator has been progressively upgraded by L-3 MAPPS to the point where the legacy simulator has in effect been replaced and is entirely functioning in L-3 MAPPS’ industry-leading Orchid environment,” said Michael Chatlani, vice president of marketing and sales for L-3 MAPPS Power Systems and Simulation. “Thanks to the performance gained with L-3 MAPPS models, the robust simulation technology and our committed service, we continue to secure add-ons and we greatly value Ameren Missouri’s business.”

Ameren Missouri has been providing electric and gas service for more than a century, serving 1.2 million electric and 126,000 natural gas customers in central and eastern Missouri. The company’s service area covers 63 counties and 500 towns, including the greater St. Louis area. Since 1984, the Callaway plant has been providing safe, clean and affordable electricity. The electricity generated by the Callaway plant is enough to meet the needs of 780,000 average households every year.