WindGuard Certification has successfully delivered the third unit of its new generation of FRT test containers.
The container allows performing of Fault-ride-through tests on wind turbines, developing artificial fault conditions at grid connection points. The capabilities of grid stabilisation of a wind turbine and its adherence to the medium-voltage grid guidelines are proved through such testing.
Based on the experience collected on grid measurements over the past years, WindGuard Certification has developed a new generation of FRT-Containers.
“The new test containers do not only comply with the new requirements for HVRT-Tests,” explains Daniel Rehfeldt, Head of the Project at WindGuard Certification.
Rehfeldt added: “Thanks to an ingenious layout, the container is also more compact and economical than other testing devices previously available.”
The testing container is available in versions compatible with VDE and UL requirements for markets in Europe and the US. A few weeks back, WindGuard Certification delivered a third prototype.
“It has especially pleased us to see the satisfaction of our clients on the first day of operation,” comments Damian Slowinski, head of WindGuard Certification’s test lab.
He added: “Not only has the device become more manageable and user-friendly, but the loading of the grid during testing is reduced thanks to the new connection concept, compared to previous test containers.”
Due to the international interest on the prototype initially conceptualised for own operation, the company has decided to produce it in small series for orders placed by clients.