
If you’re considering an IT equipment or telecom services purchase, IT Connection will help you assess potential technology solutions to your business problem, create a shortlist of possible suppliers to choose from, and make an efficient and informed buying decision.

Expert insights to help make smart buying choices

Our comprehensive research allows you to quickly, easily and effectively assess vendors and their products and services to determine the best technology solution to fit your needs.

  • Stay current on industry events and up-to-date with product trends
  • Save time researching products and services
  • Get the real picture, not the marketing brochure
  • Compare products and companies side-by-side to effectively develop shortlists
  • Simplify and streamline the procurement process
  • Create more targeted RFPs
  • Make more informed decisions
  • Gain access to international industry experts
  • Reduce time-to-procurement

Utilise 15+ industry experts to support your final buying decision

For more than a decade, Current Analysis’ analysts have been providing clients analysis built upon the foundation of objective, unbiased research. Many of our analysts are former product managers or have held other positions in the industry. Today, all of our analysts conform to the highest levels of integrity and ethics, and do not engage in any activity that may compromise these values.

  • More than 150 continuously updated product assessments:
    – Detailing product strengths, weaknesses, buying criteria and technical specifications
    – Quick creation of side-by-side product comparisons
    – Ideal for vendor evaluations and RFP / RFI creation
  • Company assessments on all leading vendors:
    – Identifying product lines, sales strategies, partnerships, and market movements
    – Ideal for understanding how well a vendor is performing and whether they would make a valued supplier

About Current Analysis

Current Analysis’ primary business is providing competitive analysis and solution assessments to telecommunication service providers and infrastructure companies worldwide. IT Connection repurposes our expert analysis and evaluations of competitive solutions to enable businesses, and their IT leaders, to make better planning and purchasing decisions.

<noindex>The company's reports are based on objective, unbiased research.</noindex>
<noindex>Current Analysis IT Connection offers an independent source of analysis.</noindex>
<noindex>Current Analysis provides assessments of products and companies for the power industry.</noindex>