
MWM has unveiled the new CHP Amortization Calculator, which is designed for those who are seeking to invest in energy-efficient and environmentally sound energy solutions for the future growth of their company.

Through the use of the calculator, users receive an initial assessment of the economic advantages of their plan to invest in MWM gas engines and cogeneration power plants (CHP), based on the existing conditions in their countries.

The user enters the relevant framework parameters for assessing the profitability of the individual situation and receives a custom profitability calculation based on these inputs. The calculator also automatically calculates the number of years it will take to reach the user’s ROI.

Economic efficiency of MWM solutions is based on the following specific criteria:

  • Installation country
  • Gas types: natural gas, biogas, wastewater digester gas, or landfill gas
  • Gas engine specifications (required properties and output of the CHP plant)
  • Year of commissioning
  • On-site power and feed
  • Energy prices and price development
  • Installation type and cost of capital

The results contain comprehensive information relevant for the decision-making process, as well as the overview of energy prices used for the calculation, including price trends, the power, heat, and gas requirements. Furthermore, a description of the most suitable MWM gas engine (technical specifications and benefits) and a summary of the profitability calculation are provided. In addition, users can have the result sent to them via email.

The calculator can be accessed via the following links:
German version:
English version:

MWM is a brand of Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH, a well-established company based in Mannheim, Germany. The company, formerly known as MWM GmbH, was founded by car inventor Carl Benz in 1871 and has belonged to Caterpillar Inc. since November 2011. With MWM, we are one of the world’s leading suppliers of highly efficient, eco-friendly complete systems for decentralised energy production with gas engines (CHP).