
An updated seal-selector program on the James Walker website will help you find, swiftly and simply, the Chevron®/Shallex® and Lofilm® standard size multi-lip products that match the dimensions of your hydraulic equipment.

A link to the Selector for hydraulic seals appears on all relevant pages within the hydraulic sealing section of the website.

By clicking Get started, you are connected to the program home page.

The selector is intuitive to use. The first instruction is to select either mm or inches. You are then asked to insert the Rod/Shaft or Cylinder/Bore diameter, which creates a list of all matching Chevron and Lofilm standard products together with Application suitability and Part Numbers for Endless or Split types. At this stage, you can fine-tune your search by inserting the appropriate Axial Length.

Explains Andy Parkinson, Product Manager for Hydraulic Sealing Products: "If this search does not identify a suitable hydraulic seal, you should contact James Walker immediately using the link on the Results page.

"We hold hundreds of mould tools for non-standard sizes of our Chevron and Lofilm products, and the size you want could be among them. We could also recommend a suitable product from one of our other ranges of hydraulic seals."