
Whether your requirement is moving large machinery, factory plant removals, machine handling or equipment handling, you will get a first-class service, every single time, from Projector Lifting Service.

For the past 22 years Projector Lifting Service has invested in equipment, people and training, working all over the UK as well as internationally to deliver reliable, cost-effective and timely solutions for moving just about anything. It’s this investment and experience that means you will always get the most appropriate solution and price for your project.

Services for moving large machinery and plants

When you need to move something heavy or bulky and awkward, such as machinery or plants, you need two things: the most appropriate solution and the most appropriate price. The most appropriate solution is the most cost-effective and time and resource-effective solution.

When you’ve invested perhaps hundreds of thousands of pounds in machinery or equipment why take any risk when moving and installing it when it just isn’t necessary?

Projector Lifting Service can move large machinery and provide factory plant removals.
We can provide regular and one-off lifting services for machinery.
Whatever lifting services you need, they'll be completed with the same attention to detail, preparation and consideration.
Moving large, heavy or just plain awkward loads must be planned out, often in fine detail.
Find out why some of the largest manufacturers worldwide have used us for industrial lifting, moving, relocating and installations.

Regular and one-off industrial lifting services

It may be that you have regular ‘run-of-the-mill’ lifts that need to be carried out monthly or weekly, or it may just be the one critical movement in 25 years. Either way we’re happy to be able to help you.

It’s fair to say we’ve seen, and been involved in a lot of interesting projects since we were formed in 1988, as well as the ‘normal’ day-to-day jobs. We have handled projects from installations in Yemen under armed guard, to installing massive doors to seal off the engines of an Airbus when it was being tested, to lifting a complete 80t ship’s wheelhouse so that the hull could be ‘floated’ in underneath.

Whatever it is you need, it’ll be completed with the same attention to detail, preparation and consideration, be it large or small, regular or a one-off.

Services for moving large, heavy and awkward loads

Moving large, heavy or just plain awkward loads must be planned out, often in fine detail, to ensure that there are no mistakes. Whether relocating an injection moulding machine to the other end of the factory or dealing with a 60t load that has to cross oceans, public roads and railway tracks, all with as little as 25mm clearance, you can’t afford to take chances.

Industrial lifting, moving, relocating and installation services

Call Projector Lifting Service and find out for yourself why some of the largest manufacturers in the world have used us almost exclusively for industrial lifting, moving, relocating and installations.

Whatever, wherever, whenever and however, all you need to do is call and discuss what you need so that you can get complete peace of mind and concentrate on other things.

Call Projector Lifting Service now and we’ll be happy to help. We look forward to hearing from you.