
TES VSETÍN has successfully conducted tests on generators for Tretheway Creek in Canada.

Generator tests for the Tretheway Creek Hydro pilot project in British Columbia, Canada, were carried out in January 2015, although the delivery itself will be received by the end of February.

The parameters of the synchronous generators are 13,671kVA, 6,900V, 1,144A, 60Hz, 450rpm. This is a new concept in electromechanical design, which has been successfully built into these generators.

David Bečvář, the chief executive director of TES VSETÍN said: "We are lucky to be able to draw benefits from the skills of our technicians.

"Being able to support their innovations and then apply them allows us to sell brand new machine design concepts.

"In this case, the outstanding synergy at TEM (electric machines) and our vertical test stand, which was designed and brought to life by our TED (electric drives) division, have proven themselves."

Crossing the common 10MVA output threshold, which is the usual outside limit for small hydro in Europe, TES VSETÍN moves into the territory of the large-scale projects. Besting the records, it continues to bring new solutions in the design and delivery of alternators for renewable energy sources.