
Calgon Carbon Corporation announced that it has launched an advanced FLUEPAC line of products to control an increasing environmental concern, mercury emissions in the coal-fired electric power generation market.

These products have the ability to reduce carbon injection rates by 50-70% below that of standard products, while exceeding the mercury removal requirements recently established by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS).

The line has proven its high performance through full-scale operation and trials of FLU EPAC® MC+ ULTRA, FLU EPAC® MC MAXX and FLUEPAC® ST products at various operating units across North America. By replacing the standard halogenated and non-halogenated products, the advanced FLU EPAC® products result in lower activated carbon injection rates, thereby lowering the overall treatment costs associated with achieving mercury emission objectives. Additional savings result from fewer carbon deliveries, less wear on systems and a decrease in the injection system size.

"By choosing our advanced FLU EPAC® products over standard activated carbons, customers have saved as much as $2 million in total treatment costs," said Robert O’Brien, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Calgon Carbon.

"We look forward to further demonstrating our commitment to this market through continued investment in product development and manufacturing capacity expansions that are aligned with the needs of the market."

The most versatile and advanced of the products, FLUEPAC® ST is designed to greatly reduce the negative impact of sulfur trioxide (SO3) on standard carbon performance. FLUEPAC® ST can deliver 90 percent mercury capture in SO3 concentrations up to 15 parts per million (ppm) at injection rates less than 10 pounds per million actual cubic feet of flue gas (lbs/MMACF).

Additional benefits of the advanced FLUEPAC® line include a decrease in the particulate load on electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) and baghouses, which minimizes the risk of exceeding particulate emission limits, and a reduction in the amount of carbon consumption.