
Southwest Generation Operating Company has awarded Wood Group GTS a contract to upgrade a Speedtronic Mark V control system fitted to an early model GE LM6000.

Included within the agreement is a turbine controls upgrade, new voltage regulation system, all-electric fuel metering valves and vibration monitoring system. Under this turnkey contract, Wood Group GTS is responsible for design, site installation, testing and commissioning of the new system.

The Wood Group GTS controls solution enables operators to use common tools to manage the gas turbine and balance of plant assisting with troubleshooting, reducing spares inventory, simplifying personnel training and the planning process for future upgrades.

This is the Southwest Generation Operating Company’s first GE LM6000 controls upgrade and will be implemented at their Las Vegas cogeneration plant. The plant has a total of five GE LM6000 engines currently in operation.

"Our solutions are designed to improve power plant operational flexibility and environmental performance, delivering better return on investment from power generation assets," said Frank Avery of Wood Group GTS. "From extending the life cycle of existing control systems to complete turnkey controls upgrades, we provide a suite of services tailored to meet the specific needs of our customer."