BIS provides engineering support and is a main supplier of high-quality mechanical equipment to manufacturers and users of cooling tower and air cooler installations.
The product line consists of fans, fan stacks and inlet bells, gear boxes and carbon-fibre composite drive shafts. BIS is in a position to optimise the designs and offer a ‘total package’, ‘one-stop’ concept to the industry.
Axial fans and energy-saving fans
Axial fans up to 40ft diameter (> 12.2m) with GRP or extruded aluminium blades, can be supplied for any new or existing cooling tower or air cooler installation. We supply energy-saving fans you can rely on, day in, day out, for all your cooling equipment, with the lowest maintenance cost possible to guarantee uninterrupted operation.
Fan stacks and inlet bells
BIS can supply fan stacks in both GRP and treated wood.
GRP fan stacks and inlet bells, up to the largest fan diameters, make sure that your installations operate without maintenance, offering excellent corrosion resistance and very high resonance stability.
Right angle and parallel gear boxes
Right angle gear boxes for cooling towers and parallel gear boxes for air-cooled condensers are especially designed for the arduous service in which they must operate, day after day, year after year. These gear boxes offer a long operating life with a minimum of maintenance.
Drive shafts
BIS was the first supplier to introduce carbon-fibre composite drive shafts to the European cooling tower industry in 1988. Thousands of these lightweight, low inertia composite drive shafts have since been installed in many prestigious cooling tower projects around the world.
Totally maintenance-free, these lightweight composite drive shafts are torsionally dampening, completely corrosion resistant and very easy to install. A crane is no longer required to hoist these shafts up to the tower deck. One man can easily carry such a shaft.
BIS is in a position to up-grade the mechanical equipment of older towers with more modern, energy saving and more reliable equipment, thereby reducing the maintenance and energy cost and extending the operating life for many, many more years.
An example can be found in the CTI Paper No. TP00-10 called: With “New Age Brands” into a “Brand-New Age” which was presented in Houston in February 2000.