Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas has announced a consolidation of its divisions to enhance technology deployment and manufacturing processes.

The company will combine its technology organisation (CTO) and manufacturing and global procurement organisation (COO) into a single technology and operations organisation (CTOO).

The merger will streamline the introduction of new technologies and facilitate quicker manufacturing ramp-ups.

By integrating these functions, Vestas aims to simplify internal and external interfaces, optimising its value chain.

Vestas chief technology officer Anders Nielsen will lead the new unified organisation as the chief technology and operations officer.

The transition to the combined technology and operations organisation is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2024.

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The reorganisation will leverage existing global and regional frameworks to minimise disruptions and ensure smooth project delivery and execution throughout 2024.

Tommy Rahbek Nielsen, the current chief operating officer, will be leaving Vestas after a tenure of more than 2 years.

His departure is scheduled for the end of June 2024, following a handover period.

The merger will affect only senior management positions, with no restructuring at an operational level.

Vestas group president and CEO Henrik Andersen stated “Vestas has built a strong backlog across onshore, offshore and service towards the end of this decade, and we are today announcing the next step in our organisational evolution to deliver on our customer commitments.

“The united CTOO organisation will help accelerate ramp-up and industrialisation across Vestas and the industry by simplifying interfaces, collaboration and strengthening our end-to-end approach.”

In March 2024, Vestas was confirmed for delivery of turbines for Equinor’s US 810MW Empire Wind 1 offshore project.

To be located between 15 and 30 miles offshore Long Island, New York, Empire Wind 1 will feature 147 turbines.