Vestas has secured an order from Ostro Kutch Power to deliver a 250MW windpower park in Gujarat, India.
Vestas was awarded the project through the country’s first windpower auction conducted in February this year.
Under the terms of the deal, Vestas will be responsible for the delivery, installation and commissioning of 125 V110-2.0MW wind turbines.
The company will also deliver civil and electrical work.
The turbines will be serviced by Vestas via a ten-year full-scope Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreement, along with a Vestas Online Business supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) solution.
Ostro Energy CEO Ranjit Gupta said: “We are pleased to announce our partnership with Vestas to execute this prestigious 250MW auction project (SECI-I, ISTS-connected).
“We are confident that Vestas will deliver a world class project firmly putting Ostro past the 1GW capacity milestone.”
The windpower project is expected to be commissioned by Q3 2018. Once completed, it will be capable of generating enough energy to address the annual electricity requirements of approximately 5.7 million consumers in urban India.