Vestas has secured a contract from Vattenfall and BASF to supply its 112 V236-15.0 MW wind turbines for Germany’s Nordlicht 1 and 2 offshore wind projects.

Nordlicht 1, with a capacity of 980MW, and Nordlicht 2, with 630MW, are located 85km north of the island of Borkum in the German North Sea.

The two sites have a combined power generation capacity of more than 1.6GW.

The agreement includes a five-year service and warranty contract and a 30-year operational support agreement.

Construction of the Nordlicht wind farms will commence in 2026, with turbine installations planned for 2027 at Nordlicht 1 and 2028 at Nordlicht 2.

68 turbines will be erected at Nordlicht 1, with an additional 44 at Nordlicht 2, aiming for full operational status by 2028.

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The companies are also underlining their objective to offset their CO₂ emissions along the entire value chain.

As part of this initiative, the top sections of 56 out of 112 towers will be made with low-emission steel, reducing the carbon footprint of the towers by 16%.

The low-emission steel used for the wind farms is fabricated using 100% steel scrap melted in an electric arc furnace powered by 100% wind energy.

Vestas Northern and Central Europe president Nils de Baar stated: “We are pleased to have signed this conditional agreement to deliver our state-of-the-art V236-15.0 MW offshore wind turbine for the Nordlicht projects.

“Vattenfall, BASF and Vestas share the ambition to rapidly expand wind projects and to decarbonise the energy market in Europe, and Nordlicht will play a crucial role in delivering Germany’s energy transition targets.

“Vattenfall and BASF have a lot of experience in offshore wind projects, and we are looking forward to building this project together with our partners.”