Vattenfall has announced the inauguration of its 240MW South Kyle onshore wind farm in the UK.

Located in south-west Scotland, the wind farm will generate enough clean electricity to power 187,000 homes.

Developed and constructed by Vattenfall, the facility will be owned by Greencoat UK Wind.

Vattenfall will manage the asset on behalf of Greencoat UK Wind for a minimum of ten years.

It will also provide a route-to-market power purchase agreement to South Kyle for 15 years following commissioning.

Vattenfall CEO Anna Borg stated: “Onshore wind is essential to energy security, to reducing carbon emissions and to economic development. Vattenfall has a strong pipeline of onshore wind projects in Scotland, reflecting our confidence that it is a stable environment for ongoing investment.

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“South Kyle wind farm is an excellent example of investors, national and local authorities and local communities working together to deliver the infrastructure we need to achieve fossil-free living.”

Clean energy will also be supplied to drinks manufacturer AG Barr under a corporate PPA signed in 2020.

South Kyle wind farm will now be part of Vattenfall’s 5.5GW onshore wind portfolio, 500MW capacity of which is in the UK.

Vattenfall intends to increase its onshore wind fleet to boost energy security and combat climate change.