As many as 73,000 new jobs could be created in the UK energy sector by 2030, with a further 50,000 relating to the grid, a study has found.

Conducted by X-Academy, the Seize the Opportunity study was informed by 70 workforce forecasts and reports from across the sector. It suggests that, with collaboration between industry bodies and government authorities, the roles in the UK energy sector could grow 22% by 2030.

However, X-Academy has warned that efforts must be made to catalyse jobs in both the energy and grid sectors and that the current pace of development “risks not only new grid-related jobs but new jobs right across the energy transition.” Its report advised that grid development should be prioritized.

Peter Tipler, managing director of X-Academy, said: “Seizing the jobs opportunity in the global energy sector to create experienced capability and capacity in low carbon and renewables will ensure energy security, tackle climate change and power a new net zero economy. Irrespective of future policy, more people are needed to support our energy system. To secure that future and have the capacity in place, we need to employ more people now. The risk of not moving fast enough is likely to stall projects and investments.”

GlobalData, Power Technology’s parent company, tracked jobs across power companies in the UK and observed an increase in roles. It found that 2020 and 2021 saw the fastest growth across the sector, and the growth has since slowed.

This data is in line with X-Academy’s assertion that the industry's current rate of growth is not sufficient to support the transition to green energy. It recommended that public-private partnerships should boost the UK energy industry, stating that this would create jobs, showcase the sector, and develop an experienced workforce.

X-Academy strategic advisor, Andy Samuel said: “The energy transition is a massive investment opportunity and challenge. Pace is required, more than ever, as the climate crisis deepens. Consistent policies with the right incentives and measures to remove barriers such as planning, and grid connections are vital.

“Equally great people and innovation are essential to progress projects to investment decisions. Now is the time to seize the energy jobs opportunity.”

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