UK-based renewable energy firm Renewable Energy Systems (RES) has secured a permit to build its Spennymoor Energy Storage System in County Durham, UK.

Durham County Council’s planning committee granted the permit after the case officer recommended the 99.9MW energy storage project.

Located south of the existing electrical substation on Thinford Lane, the facility will store electricity when generation exceeds demand.

It will release the stored electricity to the grid network when demand exceeds generation, as well as enable the deployment of new wind, solar and other renewable energy sources.

RES Energy Storage head Alan McMahon said: “We are very pleased that Durham County Council has chosen to back this important infrastructure, which has been carefully sited and designed to optimise the land available for development.

“Energy storage systems like the Spennymoor project are essential for a stable and secure electricity system; the resilience of which is crucial for the UK’s future energy security.”

RES added that the Spennymoor Energy Storage site will support the UK’s net-zero commitments and enable more energy generation domestically and improve supply security.

The project site will feature new native woodland plantings, ‘species-rich’ grassland and a pond to provide a ‘plentiful’ source of food and shelter for a range of fauna species.

Based in Kings Langley, RES develops and operates onshore and offshore wind, solar, green hydrogen, energy storage, transmission and distribution assets.

The company has deployed more than 23GW of renewable capacity worldwide to date.

Last month, RES sold its Işıklar wind energy project in Turkey to Dost Enerji for nearly €50m ($50.1m).

Located in Gediz, Kutahya Province, the wind facility will feature nine wind turbines and is expected to come online in 2024.

RES also signed asset management agreements with Dost Enerji for its 185MW operational project portfolio.