Polenergia, Poland’s largest privately held energy company, has entered into a six-year agreement with CD PROJEKT, a video game developer, to supply 22 gigawatt hours (GWh) of renewable energy.

The contract, known as a SMART cPPA [corporate power purchase agreement], ensures that the energy supplied to CD PROJEKT’s Warsaw campus is zero-emissions and comes with guarantees of origin.

The energy will be sourced from Polenergia’s Skurpie and Rajgród wind farms and the solar power array in Szprotawa.

The contract, valued at 12m zlotys ($12.8m), adheres to the Energia 2051 standard, mandating a 100% renewable energy supply. Polenergia’s compliance with the standard is verified annually by an independent certification authority.

Polenergia Sprzedaż board vice-president Robert Rutowicz stated: “We are happy to be able to deliver renewable energy to one of the most widely recognised Polish companies in the world.

“Polenergia’s partnership with CD PROJEKT proves that even the most technologically advanced global market players can actively contribute to the energy transformation process and roll out environmentally conscious solutions. It represents a step towards a more sustainable future on the part of the creative industry.”

The collaboration aligns with CD PROJEKT Group’s 2030 goal to reduce emissions from its operations by 42%, regardless of the group’s growth.

The long-term agreement provides stable pricing and supply predictability – beneficial in a fluctuating market.

CD PROJEKT chief financial officer and board member Piotr Nielubowicz stated: “I am proud that, starting in 2025, the energy contracted for CD PROJEKT RED and GOG.com’s Warsaw offices and server rooms, comes from wind and solar power. This is another step towards building a modern and environmentally friendly campus, where the creative energy of our teams is unlocked.”