Ocean Winds and Aker Offshore Wind have unveiled a manifesto for delivering a green industrial revolution in Scotland.

The ten-point plan sets out proposals for the creation of a skilled workforce with more than 5,000 positions, a major fabrication yard and an investment of up to $20.6bn (£15bn) in the floating offshore wind segment.

Ocean Winds and Aker Offshore’s plan primarily focuses on establishing a major manufacturing plant in the country to fabricate and assemble giant steel floating structures that would be installed in the deep waters of the North Sea.

The companies are the majority owners of Principle Power, which developed the ‘WindFloat’ steel-based floating platforms.

The WindFloat technology is currently deployed in two operational projects, which have 75MW of total capacity.

As a proven technology, Ocean Winds and Aker Offshore will be ready to deploy the floating structures at commercial-scale wind farms located off the coasts of Scotland.

Ocean Winds UK managing director Dan Finch said: “We will create the opportunity for Scotland to lead in that next step of the renewables revolution – the fabrication and assembly of steel floating foundations and the manifesto we have published today explains how, with early supply chain investment and intervention, we will turn that opportunity into a new Scottish industry with global potential.”

In collaboration with the National Manufacturing Institute of Scotland and the University of Strathclyde, the companies will develop a 3D visualisation of a fabrication yard where the WindFloat platforms and turbines would be built.

By promoting the floating platform design on a global scale, Ocean Winds and Aker Offshore will identify manufacturers and choose the final location for the yard in Scotland.

Additionally, they intend to include fabricators interested in setting up in Scotland in their discussions.

The new manifesto forms the basis of the companies’ 6GW ScotWind leasing programme bids.

Each ScotWind proposal is expected to create more than 5,000 employment opportunities and 200 apprenticeships in Scotland.

More than 30 memorandums of understanding are currently in place across the companies’ supply chains in order to provide the necessary support for the bids.