The UK Government has approved plans proposing a development of electrical systems to process power from turbines of the Triton Knoll windfarm in Lincolnshire.

In development since 2004, the farm was granted a permit for offshore turbines in 2013.

"A substation will be built near Skegness in addition to a large connection facility at Bicker Fen."

A substation will be built near Skegness in addition to a large connection facility at Bicker Fen, which will feed processed power into the national grid. These facilities will be linked to the farm through 64km underground cables.

This 900MW project is estimated to be worth £224m and is being developed by RWE and Statkraft. It was initially granted approval for 288 wind turbines but this figure has been reduced.

RWE AG and Statkraft plan to bid for a clean-energy subsidy following receipt of complete planning permission for the wind farm.