Finnish company Pöyry has been awarded an owner’s engineer services assignment for 150MW coal-fired power plant project CEL II in Sihanoukville, Cambodia.
The assignment has been awarded by Cambodian Energy II, a project company set up by Leader Energy.
Comprising one 150MW unit, the project will be constructed adjacent to the existing CEL I coal-fired power plant, which has a total power generation capacity of 100MW.
Under the terms of the current deal, Pöyry will be responsible for providing assistance in project management, in addition to site supervision services, quality assurance, and quality control, as well as design review and commissioning services for around three years.
Pöyry's regional director Petteri Härkki said: “After successfully working together in the project development stage, we are pleased to continue our good cooperation with Cambodian Energy II and Leader Energy in executing this important project.
“The new CEL II plant will be the most efficient steampower plant in Cambodia once completed. The plant will provide cost-competitive electricity to people in Cambodia, which is experiencing rapid power demand growth with household electrification ratio expected to continue increasing from the current 60% level.”
Currently, Pöyry is involved in the development of more than 17,000MW of thermal power in Asia. The value of the order has not yet been disclosed.
Image: 150MW CEL II coal-fired power plant project in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. Photo: courtesy of Pöyry.