Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) has received government approval to build ten new units of locally-designed pressurised heavy water reactors (PHWR).

With a total installed capacity of 7,000MW, each of the ten PHWR units will have a capacity of 700MW. The approval will boost India’s domestic nuclear power programme and help increase its nuclear power generation capacity.

India currently has 22 power plants in operation with a total installed nuclear power capacity of 6,780MW. With completion of reactors under construction and the addition of the ten new reactors, installed nuclear power capacity of the country is expected to reach 20,480MW.

The PHWRs have been designed and developed by NPCIL, with support from other units of the Indian Department of Atomic Energy.

"The design and development of this project is a testament to the rapid advances achieved by India’s nuclear scientific community and industry."

Equipment and services required for the development will be obtained from domestic industries, while large work package contracts will also be carried out by Indian contractors.

In a statement, the Indian Government said: “The design and development of this project is a testament to the rapid advances achieved by India’s nuclear scientific community and industry.

“It underscores the mastery our nuclear scientists have attained over all aspects of indigenous PHWR technology. India’s record of building and operating PHWR reactors over the last nearly forty years is globally acclaimed.”

The current approval supports the government’s commitment to use clean power in India’s energy mix as part of the country's low-carbon growth strategy.