
European bioenergy system supplier HoSt has commenced construction at a new biogas plant in Suffolk, England.

This is the second contract received by HoSt in Suffolk, where the company set up a plant last year.

As part of the project, a new anaerobic digestion (AD) plant is being built, which will use different biomass streams. The new plant will manage a flexible input menu, including corn silage, liquid manure, and sugar beet pulp.

"The new plant will manage a flexible input menu, including corn silage, liquid manure, and sugar beet pulp."

Once in operation, the plant will generate electricity with a 500kWe combined heat and power (CHP) system.

In addition, the project includes modernisation of the biogas plant to a biomethane plant with gas to grid injection. Work includes a HoSt mixing or dosing feeder (80m3), a PreMix system, a manure silo, a push floor (120m3), two digester tanks (ø 25m * 8m), an after-digester (ø 18m * 8m) screw press separator, and a 500kWe CHP system.

The plant will have the capacity to generate 40GWh of biomethane and 4,000Mwh of electricity.

Image: Construction begins at the new Suffolk biogas plan. Photo: courtesy of HoSt.