Fortum and Skellefteå Kraft have opened a new 247.5MW windfarm in Blaiken, Sweden.

Equipped with 99 turbines, the farm is capable of producing 714GWh of clean energy annually.

Developed with an investment of Skr3.3bn ($417.8m), Skellefteå Kraft owns an 85% share of the farm and Fortum owns 15%.

Fortum mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and solar and wind development senior vice-president Kari Kautinen said: “Windpower provides one of the most cost-competitive forms of new capacity, and the experiences from the Blaiken windfarm project have been key for us in acquiring experience."

The Blaiken farm is expected to offset around 690,000t of carbon emissions a year, producing enough electricity to meet the annual consumption of nearly 200,000 households.

"The Blaiken farm is expected to offset around 690,000t of carbon emissions a year."

In addition, the farm functions as a pilot for testing new solutions. It also uses an anti-icing / de-icing system on the blades comprising hot air and a heating mat.

Kautinen further added: “We have had close collaboration regarding the implementation of the de-icing systems with Dongfang, which supplied the turbines for the last phases of the Blaiken project.

“The heat mat technology has been developed with the Finnish Institute of Technology and we’re expecting it to perform well.”

Blaiken windfarm project has received a €15m grant from the EU's NER 300 funding programme, which supports renewable energy and the development of new technology.

Image: Inauguration of Blaikenwind park. Photo: courtesy of Cliff Karlsson/Fortum Keilaniemi.