Africa focused company Kibo Energy has submitted a formal tender qualification document (TQD) for the Mbeya coal to Power Project (MCPP) in Tanzania.
The Ireland-based company said that the submission of TQD to the Tanzania electricity supply company (TANESCO) is in line with the government’s new initiative regarding the development of independent power projects.
Last month, Kibo’s subsidiary Mbeya Power was invited to submit a tender for power generation of up to 600MW of coal power projects after issuing a request for qualification (RFQ).
The RFQ called for undertaking a feasibility study, finance, build, own, operate and transfer coal power projects of a capacity of not less than 150MW and not more than 300MW in one location.
Kibo CEO Louis Coetzee said: “Our visionary development approach has allowed us to develop and forge critical strategic partnerships very early on in the process, and having done all the definitive feasibility studies, financial modelling, technical development work and environmental and social impact assessment certification well in advance, we have been able to submit a TQD of exceptionally high standard and substance in a very short space of time, submitting our TQD 24 hours ahead of the submission deadline. We believe that this will stand us in good stead.
“We are now waiting for a definitive date for completion of Phase 1 from TANESCO but expect this to be completed before the end of 2018.”
Currently, Kibo is also engaged in the development of similar coal-fuelled power projects including Mabesekwa Coal Independent Power Project in Botswana and the Benga Independent Power Project in Mozambique.