Illinois could become the next US state to commit to having a 100% green energy mix after Democrat state representative Will Davis introduced the “Path to 100 Act”.
The legislation would expand Illinois’ renewable portfolio standard (RPS) to 25% renewable energy by 2025 and 40% by 2030 and ensure the RPS would be funded in that period.
The act would require the state to obtain 6GW of new utility-scale solar, 7.5GW in residential, commercial and community solar and 6.5GW of new wind power. The act would also eliminate all non-renewable forms of energy over the next few decades.
The legislation would build on the Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA) of June 2017, which called for a clean energy plan, to create jobs and reduce costs to customers. The FEJA required Illinois to produce 16% of its energy from renewables by 2020, but the state is expected to only have 7% renewable energy generation.
Davis said: “For the sake of our economy and our future, we need to get on the path to 100% clean, renewable electricity and we can start today. The Path to 100 Act will achieve one of Governor Pritzker’s campaign goals while putting thousands of people to work, generating new investment in our state and new tax revenues for local communities.”
Illinois would be following plans made in 2018 by the state of New York to increase to reduce greenhouse emissions 40% by 2030, and California’s commitment to exclusively renewable sources of energy by 2045.