Boralex has secured a contract from Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) to provide two storage projects with a 380MW total nameplate capacity.

The contract was awarded under the IESO’s expedited long-term request for proposals.

Boralex president and CEO Patrick Decostre stated: “Today’s announcement is another significant milestone for Boralex as we look to expand our storage portfolio and meet the growth and diversification objectives of our 2025 strategic plan.

“These projects will help the province of Ontario meet its own energy capacity targets while enabling greater renewable energy development and providing stability to the province’s power system.”

The two projects represent almost half of the total capacity of 780MW.

The two sites include Hagersville battery energy storage park and the Tilbury battery storage project.

Located near the town of Hagersville in Haldimand County, Ontario, Hagersville is a 300MW project with four-hour duration battery storage.

Tilbury has 80MW capacity and is located near existing Hydro One infrastructure in the municipality of Lakeshore.

Boralex partnered with the Six Nations of the Grand River and Walpole Island First Nation to develop the Tilbury battery storage project.

Boralex and its partners are now finalising the terms of the contract with the IESO.

The two facilities will come online by the end of 2025 and will be Boralex’s first storage facilities in Canada.