German energy regulator Bundesnetzagentur (BnetzA) has decided on the route for the first part of high-voltage Ultranet power line that will eventually transmit offshore windpower from the North Sea to residents in the country’s south-west region.

The first Ultranet power line will run from Duesseldorf in North-Westphalia to Philippsburg in Baden Wuerttemberg.

The 60km route given approval yesterday is one of four parts required to bring the power project to completion in 2023.

The federal network agency BnetzA president Jochen Homann was quoted by Reuters as saying: “We have achieved an important step towards realising this north-south connection that will be indispensable for the success of the energy transition (to renewable sources).”

“We have achieved an important step towards realising this north-south connection that will be indispensable for the success of the energy transition to renewable sources.”

Amprion will install cables using direct current (DC) electricity transmission along current lines. This will help to accelerate delivery over the long distance and prevent any losses in power transmission. Amprion is a German grid company partly held by utility RWE.

In 2018, planning for A-Nord additional line was launched in order to transmit offshore windpower from the North Sea port of Emden to Ultranet.

The high-voltage power line will help fill the gap caused by Germany’s phase-out of nuclear reactors by 2022. Among the reactors to be phased out includes the Philippsburg plant operated by EnBW.

This line will help in supplying power to Baden-Wuerttemberg’s major industries such as Bosch and Daimler .