Global energy technology company Enphase Energy has launched an AI-powered DIY permitting feature on Solargraf, its cloud-based platform.
Aimed at US solar installers, the feature is designed to automate the complex solar and battery permitting process, potentially reducing the time to produce full permit plans by up to 95%.
The introduction of the DIY permitting feature on Solargraf is poised to transform the domestic solar installation industry by offering a simplified approach to the permit acquisition process.
This enhancement is expected to significantly alleviate the administrative burden on installers.
Enphase Energy emphasises that the new DIY permit plan feature positions Solargraf as a comprehensive solution for solar and battery system design, proposal, and permitting.
This latest integration is part of the company’s commitment to streamline the solar installation process from start to finish.
By minimising cycle times and operational expenses through an automated workflow, installers can optimise their business operations.
Enphase Energy digital business unit senior vice-president Jayant Somani said: “We are thrilled to enhance the capabilities of our Solargraf platform.
“With more than 300 permit plans already generated across more than 50 AHJs [authorities having jurisdiction], the new DIY permitting feature is proven to streamline the solar permitting process and empower installers to operate more efficiently, delivering exceptional service to homeowners.”
Enphase supplies microinverter-based solar and battery systems that allow people to harness the sun to make, use, save, and sell their own power and control it all with a smart mobile app.
The company has shipped approximately 78 million microinverters, and more than 4.5 million Enphase-based systems have been installed in over 160 countries.