The Netherlands-based utility company Eneco has signed a 15-year agreement (PPA) to buy power generated by 37 of SwifterwinT’s onshore wind turbines.

The turbines are part of Windplanblauw wind farm in the province of Flevoland, Netherlands.

The farm consists of 74 wind turbines, 61 of which will be replaced with larger turbines. Of these new turbines, 37 will be onshore.

Construction is expected to commence next year and will be completed in early 2023.

Eneco Energy Trade director Mark Belloni said: “The collaboration with SwifterwinT takes us a good step closer to the further realisation of Eneco’s strategy.

“This contract allows us to switch even more customers in Flevoland and the rest of the Netherlands to domestic green power.

“The power purchase agreement with this wind farm will increase the installed capacity of Eneco’s wind energy portfolio to around 2500 MW in 2023. This corresponds to the annual electricity consumption of 2.4 million households.”

The utility company has stated it intends to use the clean energy locally where ever possible.

From 2023, the 37 wind turbines are expected to generate 780GWh of green power annually.

SwifterwinT was formed as a collaboration of more than 150 entrepreneurs, residents and turbine owners in the rural Swifterbant area of the Netherlands.

Chair Stephan de Clerck said: “We are confident that we have concluded a good agreement from a commercial as well as a collaboration perspective.

“This is a significant milestone for us. We are pleased with this collaboration, not just in view of the excellent result, but also because we have seen that Eneco has an eye for the area as a whole. Together with this partner we are working on local energy supply.”