Enbridge, in partnership with Six Nations Energy Development, has announced the progression of the 200MW Seven Stars energy project in Saskatchewan, Canada.

Six Nations Energy Development is a consortium of Cowessess First Nation, George Gordon First Nation, Kahkewistahaw First Nation, Métis Nation-Saskatchewan, Pasqua First Nation and White Bear First Nation.

The project will generate emissions-free power sufficient to meet the annual energy needs of 100,000 homes in Saskatchewan.

Six Nations Energy Development president Jake Sinclair stated: “Partnerships like this take commitment, creativity and ultimately a leap of faith.

“I am proud of our team who have leaned in with Enbridge on the ultimate goal of delivering a sustainable project that provides both energy to Saskatchewan and strong financial returns for Enbridge and the First Nations and Métis partners for many years to come.”

The development, construction and operation of the Seven Stars energy project will be managed by a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of Enbridge.

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Financial participation from the partners will be facilitated by loan guarantees of up to $100m from the Saskatchewan Indigenous Investment Finance Corporation.

The First Nation and Métis partners will have the option to acquire a minimum of 30% equity ownership in the project.

The companies aim to bring the project online in 2027, dependent upon finalisation of commercial agreements, attainment of necessary environmental and regulatory approvals and fulfilment of investment criteria.

Enbridge is actively engaged in securing a long-term power purchase agreement with SaskPower, which is expected to support the final investment decisions projected for 2025.