Many companies have pledged to reduce their carbon footprint by leveraging renewable and clean energy sources.

Verdict has conducted a poll to assess whether big tech companies can achieve their goal of becoming carbon-negative by the end of the decade.

Analysis of the poll results shows that 45% of the respondents believe that the tech giants will be able to achieve the target, whereas 32% expressed a disbelief.

The remaining 23% of the respondents were unsure whether the tech giants will be able to achieve the goal.

Big tech companies likely to become carbon-negative by 2030

The analysis is based on 247 responses received from the readers of Power Technology, a Verdict network site, between 17 March and 17 May 2021.

Global tech giants’ clean energy goals

Technology companies are increasingly being held accountable for their share of greenhouse gas emissions and electronic pollution. Direct emissions, emissions from electricity use, and other operations such as manufacturing of technology companies account for 0.3% of the global carbon emissions. Several technology companies including Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, and Google have, therefore, set goals to improve their environmental performance and pledged to reduce their carbon footprint.

Microsoft, for example, has created a $1bn fund to reach its goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2030, while Amazon aims to achieve the same by 2040 by using renewable energy for its operations. Further, Apple became the first company to pledge to use 100% renewable power in its product and supply chain by 2030. Apple already reduced its carbon emissions by 64% over the last decade. Meanwhile, Google and Facebook are also striving to reduce their carbon footprint by reducing their data centre energy consumption.

The steps taken by big tech companies, and their investment capacity and innovation potential provide them with the capability to drive global clean energy transition, says the International Energy Agency (IEA).