Swiss energy company Axpo’s Polish subsidiary Axpo Polska has facilitated a unique balancing service agreement for solar energy purchase by Nestlé Polska, the Polish arm of Swiss food company Nestlé.

GoldenPeaks Capital is delivering 44GWh of clean electricity annually to Nestlé Polska. This is generated from 22 solar farms with a total capacity of 50MW, under a corporate power purchase agreement (CPPA).

The electricity will power Nestlé Polska’s seven factories located in Kalisz, Kargowa, Toruń, Lubicz, Nałęczów, Nowa Wieś Wrocławska and Rzeszów.

The CPPA is expected to help Nestlé reach its 2050 net zero emissions target.

Axpo Polska has created a legal framework for the long-term agreement which includes additional services such as a property rights settlement.

The latest alliance builds on the existing relationship between the two firms, which have already worked together in Switzerland, Germany, Spain, the UK, Italy and Slovakia.

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By powering its facilities with renewable resources, Nestlé intends to halve its carbon emissions by 2030.

Nestlé Polska management board president Artur Jankowski stated: “Investment in renewable energy sources is a strategic priority for us. This is, of course, part of the diversification of supplies and energy sources, as all local factories were already using renewable electricity purchased from authorised suppliers and certified with guarantees of origin.

“This is also an important step in the company’s zero carbon plan.”

Axpo Poland management board member and origination head Paweł Wierzbicki stated, “Electricity produced by photovoltaic farms is usually fed into the grid anywhere in the country and not sold directly to consumer facilities. Creating an effective legal solution for the CPPA signed between Nestlé Polska and GoldenPeaks Capital was a challenge we gladly took on.

“The result is a co-operation model in which Nestlé Polska buys energy directly from both Axpo Polska and GoldenPeaks Capital portfolio companies.”