ABO Energy has received planning approval for two battery energy storage projects in Northern Ireland, with a combined capacity of 335MW/670 megawatt hours (MWh).

The Magherafelt battery energy storage scheme in Mid Ulster will have a capacity of 195MW/390MWh.

 The project is pivotal to the region’s strategy to meet its renewable electricity consumption target of at least 80% by 2030, as mandated by the Climate Change Act.

In the northwest, the Coolkeeragh battery energy storage system at Foyle Port will provide an additional 140MW/280MWh of energy storage.

The developments are part of ABO Energy’s broader strategy to invest £8bn ($10.1bn) in similar schemes across the UK.

ABO Energy Northern Ireland project development head Patricia McGrath stated: “The projects are located at strategic points in the transmission network and, when operational, will play a vital role in achieving the region’s renewable electricity target. With a combined investment value in excess of £100m, they will also provide a significant boost to the local economy.

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“I would like to thank our specialist teams in Northern Ireland and Germany for their efforts to bring the projects to this point.

The projects will improve the adaptability of the transmission grid as it develops to support increased amounts of renewable electricity.

The approved projects are key for Northern Ireland’s transition towards renewable energy sources.

Energy storage systems are essential for balancing supply and demand, allowing excess power generated during off-peak periods to be stored and supplied to homes and businesses when needed.