Top tweet: Power Technology lists ten of the most popular tweets on power in Q1 2020, based on data from GlobalData’s Influencer Platform. The top tweets were chosen from influencers as tracked by GlobalData’s Influencer Platform, which is based on a scientific process that works on pre-defined parameters. Influencers are selected after a deep analysis of the influencer’s relevance, network strength, engagement, and leading discussions on new and emerging trends.

Top tweets on power in Q1 2020

1. Mike Hudema’s tweet on Germany launching the most environment friendly trains in the world

Mike Hudema, a climate campaigner, tweeted on Germany launching the most environment friendly trains in the world. A video shared by the influencer describes how these trains are powered by hydrogen and oxygen, and the only waste produce they create is water. The 14 trains are expected to cover 1,000 kilometres in a single tank, at speeds of 145 km per hour. The trains are also expected to go into service in December 2021.

Username: Mike Hudema

Twitter handle: @MikeHudema

Retweets: 2,692

Likes: 5,744

2. Bill McKibben on the climate crisis becoming a threat to the human race

Bill McKibben, an author, educator, and environmentalist, shared an article JP Morgan economists claiming that the climate crisis is a huge threat to the human race. The world’s largest financier of fossil fuels warns that the planet is on an unsustainable trajectory, according to a leaked report.

The report highlighted the financial and reputational risks of supporting or constantly funding carbon-intensive industries such as oil and gas. Economists further claimed that global heating could impact the world economy, human health, water stress, and the survival of other species.

Username: Bill McKibben

Twitter handle: @billmckibben

Retweets: 1,945

Likes: 2,816

3. Simon Evans’ tweet on the oil and gas industry’s investments in clean energy

Simon Evans, a deputy and policy editor covering climate and energy policies, shared an article on how the oil and gas industry in investing in clean energy, reducing carbon emissions, and achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. The report details how these companies are being required to clarify the implications of energy transitions for their various models and operations. The analysis highlights if they can take the necessary steps and invest in low-carbon technologies.

Username: Simon Evans

Twitter handle: @DrSimEvans

Retweets: 1,226

Likes: 1,791

4. Mark Jacobson on Tesla’s ‘big battery’ in Australia becoming a nightmare for fossil fuel power generators

Mark Z Jacobson, a professor of civil and environmental engineering, shared an article on how Tesla’s “big battery” utility-scale Powerpack system in South Australia has helped consumers double their savings in 2019. According to the article, the Hornsdale Power Reserve saved consumers $76m in 2019, compared to $26m savings in 2018.

Owned and operated by Neoen, a French renewable energy producer, the largest lithium-ion battery energy storage system in the world has played a critical role in grid stability since 2017. Consumers benefit from the lower prices and blackouts that can disrupt daily lives and business activities.

Username: Mark Z Jacobson

Twitter handle: @mzjacobson

Retweets: 806

Likes: 3,082

5. Assaad Razzouk’s tweet on Volkswagen’s plans to produce 26m emission-free vehicles in the next nine years

Assaad Razzouk, a clean energy entrepreneur, shared an article on the Volkswagen chief defying sceptics with its ambitious plans to take over Tesla in becoming the world’s largest electric maker. Herbert Diess announced plans to spend €33bn on producing 26m emission-free vehicles in the next nine years.

The chief further claimed that the fate of the biggest car maker did not rely on boosting margins alone, but managing the transition to electric cars better than others, the article noted.

Username: Assaad Razzouk

Twitter handle: @AssaadRazzouk

Retweets: 225

Likes: 464

6. Chris Nelder on the cost of plugging orphaned oil and gas wells in Ohio running into billions

Chris Nelder, an energy futurist, shared an article on how an analysis of state contracts revealed that plugging a myriad of orphaned oil and gas wells around Ohio costed approximately $110,000 per well. The influencer added that 95% of the costs has been socialised, after their producers privatised the profits and abandoned the wells.

Username: Chris Nelder

Twitter handle: @chrisnelder

Retweets: 192

Likes: 289

7. Arik Ring’s tweet on Vietnam’s solar success story

Arik Ring, an expert in energy engineering, shared a video on Vietnam kick-starting a solar revolution in just two years. The video details how the country has grown from being a zero solar power in 2018 to the biggest generator in Southeast Asia, with an estimated solar capacity of 5.5 gigawatts. The video further noted that this was being achieved by offering generous incentives to investors, provided they built the solar plants as quickly as possible.

Username: Arik Ring

Twitter handle: @arikring

Retweets: 173

Likes: 161

8. Mary Anne Hitt on the coal industry suspending payments for abandoned mine cleanups and black lung health care

Mary Anne Hitt, director of the Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign, shared an article on the US coal mining industry seeking a bailout to counter the impact of the global Covid-19 pandemic. The article noted that the National Mining Association was asking Congress to suspend or reduce royalties on mining and cut taxes and fees the industry pays for health assistance to victims of black lung disease and cleanups of former mines.

Username: Mary Anne Hitt

Twitter handle: @maryannehitt

Retweets: 172

Likes: 199

9. Fatih Birol’s tweet on the flatlining in global CO2 emissions in 2019

Fatih Birol, an economist and energy expert, tweeted on the flatlining in global CO2 emissions in 2019, which he claims was mainly due to the declining emissions from electricity generation in advanced economies. He shared a chart depicting growth in renewables (mainly wind & solar), fuel switching from coal to natural gas, and a rise in nuclear power.

Username: Fatih Birol

Twitter handle: @IEABirol

Retweets: 161

Likes: 228

10. Thomas Hillig’s tweet on China hourly installing enough solar panels to cover a football field

Dr Thomas Hillig, an expert specialising in off-grid renewables and micro-grid solutions, shared video on China installing enough solar panels to cover a football field, every hour of every day. The country doubled its solar capacity last year, and is outstripping its solar and wind power targets.

The video also revealed that China produces two-thirds of the world’s solar panels now, and installs one wind turbine every other hour. However, despite the rapid growth renewables comprise only 20% of China’s energy.

Username: Dr Thomas Hillig

Twitter handle: @THEnergyNet

Retweets: 158

Likes: 262