Fossil Fuels Edition

As the UK’s gas supplies dwindle, British utility Centrica is in talks to secure the country’s first long-term LNG import deal with the US. We find out why the US is such an attractive market for natural gas buyers.

We also look at a new chemical looping technology, which has the potential to reduce or eliminate CO2 and NOx emissions from the coal-based power generation process, and find out how India’s power sector is planning to use supercritical solutions to clean up thermal generation.

As a new report reveals an ongoing health issue caused by fumes from coal-fired generation, costing the EU €42.8bn in healthcare costs a year, we investigate if a renewed reliance on cheap coals in Europe could be turning into a false economy. Moreover, we look at the progress of the controversial Keystone XL Pipeline in the US, and profile major new coal and gas power projects under construction.

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In This Issue

Securing Supplies
The US is on the cusp of exporting LNG abroad and British utility Centrica has got supplies for the UK. Future Power asks why is the US such an attractive market for natural gas buyers?
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In the Loop
Chemical looping could change the fortunes of costly carbon capture methods. We ask Dr Liang-Shih Fan of Ohio State University about the potential of this new clean coal technology.
Click here to read the full article.

Feel the Heat
As India’s power sector remains heavily dependent on thermal generation, Future Power finds out why the world’s next superpower is looking at a supercritical solution to the problem of burning coal more cleanly and efficiently.
Click here to read the full article.

Supercritical Evolution
Increased competition for more advanced products is driving the market for supercritical coal technologies. Siddhartha Raina, analyst for power & utilities at Globaldata, reviews recent developments in the sector.
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A False Economy
A new report claims that fumes from coal-fired power plants are causing healthcare costs of €42.8bn per year in Europe. We ask if ongoing health issues could be turning cheap coal into a false economy.
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Keystone XL: The Debate
The debate over whether the US president should approve Transcanada’s proposed 835 mile Keystone XL pipeline has divided the nation. Future Power takes a look behind the hype to investigate the true advantages and disadvantages of the project.
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Lodi Energy Center, California, US
One of the cleanest and most efficient power plants in the US, Lodi Energy Center (LEC) is
300MW combined cycle natural gas power plant located in California.
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Mahanadi Power Project, Chhahattisgarh, India
The Mahanadi coal-based thermal power project, owned and operated by KSK Energy Venture, is located 125km from the Morga II coal block in the Janjgir-Champa district of Chhahattisgarh, India.
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Fiume Santo Power Station, Sardinia, Italy
E.ON’s Fiume Santo thermoelectric power plant is located in the Sassari province in north-western Sardinia.
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Next issue: Big Plans, Small Reactors

While planning a new wave of nuclear plants the UK is also counting the cost of decommissioning the facilities that are approaching the end of their service lives. We explore the technology and financial backing required to safely and sustainably take nuclear plants offline, including innovations such as the LaserSnake hazardous decommissioning device.

We also take a look at promising new technologies such as the small modular reactor developed by Babcock & Wilcox with funding from the US Department of Energy, and a new molten salt reactor concept designed at the MIT which the developers say is meltdown-proof and fuelled by nuclear waste.

Moreover, we hear from GlobalData about Saudi Arabia’s extensive plans to develop nuclear power capacity, and take a look at major industry projects as well as NASA-funded research into the possibility of replacing rocket fuel with nuclear fusion to power spacecraft.

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