How do we know how effective our attempts to reduce emissions really are? While few debate the need to reduce emissions from energy generation, many disagree on the methods used for measurement. We find out from experts at the UK National Physical Laboratory’s Centre for Carbon Measurement what it takes to measure carbon accurately and consistently.
We also look into Australia and China’s new alliance for the development of emissions reduction technologies for fossil fuel plants and investigate the latest research on the feasibility of large-scale carbon capture and storage, as well as profiling two plants that are being equipped with CCS capability: the retrofitted Boundary Dam coal-fired plant in Canada, and Australia’s Hazelwood station.
Moreover, we ask how the industry can encourage private sector investment, from carbon trading to green power auctions, and find out how fuel cells could enable more clean power generation off the grid.
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In This Issue
Calculating Carbon
How confident are we that current data on carbon emissions is good enough for climate modelling or indeed carbon trading? We report on how a new UK facility aims to find out.
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Partners in Grime
Australia and china have formed a new partnership focusing on the development of technologies to reduce emissions from fossil fuel plants. Future Power Technology investigates why the two countries make a good team.
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Scratching the Surface
Recent research suggests that carbon capture and storage could cause more problems than expected. We find out if the concept can still be considered feasible.
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Money on Green
Private sector investment will be key to making low-carbon power generation economically viable. Future Power Technology finds out what it will take to get investors onboard.
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Off the Grid
Stationary fuel cells could hold the key to cleaner, more reliable power through on-site distributed generation. Future Power Technology profiles the advantages of hydrogen-powered generators and explores the challenges to be overcome.
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Industry Project: Boundary Dam Retrofit and CCS Integration
We take a look at the retrofit of the Boundary Dam coal-fired plant in Saskatchewan, Canada, which will allow for the integration of carbon capture and sequestration equipment.
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Industry Project: Hazelwood Power Station, Australia
The 1675MW Hazelwood power station is one of three major carbon capture and storage demonstration projects underway as part of Australia’s CO2CRC programme.
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Next issue: No Breaks in the Service
In the next issue we zoom in on operations and the maintenance regimes that keep power plants running smoothly. We ask operators of coal-fired plants how they are boosting efficiency while making power generation cleaner, and find out how nuclear operators can increase plant availability in a time where the average capacity of nuclear reactors has plateaued.
We also explore how landfill gas-to-energy plants are operated and monitored to prevent gas migration and explosions. As wind power matures, operators need advanced monitoring tools to keep services online. We look at the systems that can help to keep disruptions to a minimum, and also find out how wind assessment tools can help operators to achieve the best possible output from new wind farms.
Moreover, as the number of marine energy projects grows, we ask operators of pilot installations how underwater equipment is maintained on site at sea.
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