Umicore has filed a patent for a method of producing a coated ceramic wall flow filter with catalytically active zones. The filter has a high porosity and mean pore diameter, and the method involves introducing and removing coating suspensions through pressure differences. The invention aims to reduce harmful exhaust gases from internal combustion engines. GlobalData’s report on Umicore gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

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According to GlobalData’s company profile on Umicore, Hydrogen storage alloys was a key innovation area identified from patents. Umicore's grant share as of September 2023 was 51%. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

Method for producing a coated ceramic wall flow filter

Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Credit: Umicore NV/SA

A recently filed patent (Publication Number: US20230311064A1) describes a method for producing a coated ceramic wall flow filter with multiple catalytically active zones. The wall flow filter has a first end face, a second end face, a length L, and a porosity of 50% to 80% with a mean pore diameter of 5-50 µm. The method involves several steps in sequence.

In the first step, an excess of a first coating suspension is introduced into the first end face of the wall flow filter by applying a pressure difference. Then, in the second step, the excess of the first coating suspension is removed from the filter by reversing the pressure difference. After a pause period, the third step involves introducing a second coating suspension without excess into the wall flow filter through the second end face by applying a pressure difference.

The patent also mentions that the first coating suspension is introduced into the wall flow filter from the lower, first end face, while the second coating suspension is introduced from the upper, second end face. The pressure pulse for the pressure difference reversal is between 150 mbar and 400 mbar, and a pressureless holding time of up to 10 seconds is maintained before the pressure difference reversal.

The coated ceramic wall flow filter produced using this method can be used for treating exhaust gases from a combustion process. The catalytically active coatings of the filter can include three-way catalyst, SCR catalyst, nitrogen oxide storage catalyst, oxidation catalyst, soot-ignition coating, and hydrocarbon storage. These coatings can be located in the pores and/or on the surfaces of the channel walls of the filter.

The method also includes a pause period, which can involve drying and calcining the first coating suspension on the wall flow filter. The first coating suspension travels up from the lower end face into the filter, and both steps ii) and iii) involve a suction draw at the lower end of the filter. The suction draw at step ii) is stronger and shorter in duration compared to step iii).

The first and second coating suspensions can have different particle sizes, with one being an in-wall coating and the other being an on-wall coating. The first coating suspension can be applied to create a positive gradient, resulting in less catalytically active material at the first end face compared to downstream. The wall flow filter remains in a common orientation throughout the method, and additional drying or calcining steps can be performed after step iii).

Overall, this patent describes a method for producing a coated ceramic wall flow filter with multiple catalytically active zones, providing potential benefits for the treatment of exhaust gases in various combustion processes.

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